Jose David Rivas Benoit

Frontend Developer

Crafting beautiful and performant web experiences



Preview of Sclonetify


A functional Spotify Clone written in TypeScript using NEXT.JS.

ReactNext.jsApp RouterTypeScriptSpotify Web APIContext APITailwind CSS
Preview of Yobana`s App

Yobana`s App

A Fullstack application designed to help stores efficiently manage their products.

TypeScriptVue 3Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSDrizzle-ormPostgresqlShadcn-vue
Preview of Split it

Split it

A simple and intuitive app designed to help you easily split bills and receipts among friends

Vue.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSS
Preview of Tarkov App

Tarkov App

A Next.js app built with TypeScript that fetches data from the API to display a comprehensive list of in-game items, including their prices and detailed information

TypeScriptReactNext.jsPages RouterTailwind CSSGraphQL

Get in Touch

I'm always open to new opportunities and collaborations.